Saturday, September 15, 2012


"Good writing is dependent on good reading" Saul Williams

So, "What's good?" This blog was started in College in an effort to give a place for the voices of single moms like myself and the semantics of our daily lives. I admit that a huge part of this life for me has been seeking a love to share home with. However, a good friend reminded me of the responsibility I feel I have to this population to have a voice. So I return to the part of life that matters to me...writing.

Do you have a story to share? Has there been a addition to your family? How has the dynamics of being the head of the household, single parenting been lately? Are you excited, frustrated, angry, curious, optimistic, pessimistic, nonchalant, indecisive, anxious, overwhelmed, fatigued,cool, hot, warm, tender-hearted,bummed out, joyful....

Free yourself and the voices that say to you any other thing besides how wonderful you are. I know there are many, many times when you are tired and frustrated at the hand we've been dealt, but hold on. My brothers and sisters there is a strength we have that is only surpassed by ourselves. We belong to a group that have decided to not just make lemonade, but also cook dinner to accompany lemonade. We belong to the group of people that don't give up but press on because we have to, there are child(ren) depending on us for every thing and we must continue.

So welcome again to the place where you are free to share whatever is on your mind and heart for I know the two are not always in sync. I say to you I am proud to call you share

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