Thursday, April 14, 2011

hdn @ mdw

Weekly I expose my imprint into your digital eyes and ears leading to your digital hands across my uniformed body. Unable to see or hear you but you are everywhere. Your digital voice so courteous and monotonous tells me where my dog can poop and I can have a smoke. I see you filled with languages, ages, races, genders, staff and other things I cannot describe haunt my energy like bats into a cave. Deep within your walls filled with merchandise and pale faces I remove my intelligence and take off my thinking hat. Your blue green eyes look at my label and throw your book with ease. Your suitcases roll across my blue dipped toes gently urging the shackles of old. I look at you with a stare that slices your thin lifeless neck. I attack your impression with my literature knowledge. You see what your folks have told you I am, but do not attempt to question the truth that I AM. I inhale your filtered air with ease as the invisible smoke fill my lungs with asthmatic relief. You are a joke that is awaiting laughter. You represent all that I do not stand for, so with the rain you fall for everything. Every lie, every excuse, every "I forgot," are nothing. You provide a written escape until you enter my space. I dread you every single day, hoping for the day you and I go away and I enter the world full of air and love for the 'daughter of the sunlight.' Soon, very soon, I will kiss your filtered air and your XXL blue stigma goodbye forever. No more will I lower myself to this again. I did not go to College for this crap. I did not invest in myself to work amongst dumb dumbs. This is not where it starts or begins, this is not my end. WATCH and SEE